Related Resources

Here is a short, annotated list of websites we like and frequently use that relate to our work as reference librarians and archivists.

American Heritage Center:
A fine model of a campus-based Western archives. Excellent, award-winning site detailing the extensive holdings at the University of Wyoming Reflects the philosophy that their archives is a public treasure. Energetic, innovative management that reaches out beyond the campus. Mark Greene, Director.

Arizona Archives Online:
The culmination of a three-year, statewide collaboration of the state’s major universities. Lists over 400 finding aids to the special library collections of Arizona State University, University of Arizona, and Northern Arizona University. Excellent source for primary materials relating to Arizona history, literature, culture, and politics. Each finding aid is searchable and available for the first time on the web.

Arizona Memory Project:
Hosted by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records, the Arizona Memory Project is a digital repository of images, documents, maps, and objects from historical repositories across the state of Arizona.

Centers for the Study of Congress:
Founded in 2003, this alliance of institutions and organizations promote the study of Congress and provide a forum for sharing information, ideas, and scholarship. Most members represent archives of political papers from the House and Senate or organizations dealing with public policy. Excellent portal to numerous sites related to Congress.

Congressional Collections at Archival Institutions:
A nicely organized portal to Congressional collections originally compiled by Rebecca Johnson Melvin at the University of Delaware now hosted on the NARA site. Includes a comprehensive list of the papers of former Senate and House members indexed by state, institution, and elected official. Very useful tool since congressional collections are scattered throughout the country. If you don’t see former members of your Congressional delegation on the list and know where their collections are housed, contact Kate Mollan at [email protected] . She’ll add them to the list.

Congressional Papers Roundtable:
Lively group of SAA members and other information professionals working with political papers. Congressional collections are known for their size and complexity. This group provides a forum for problem solving, sharing news and resources.

Cultural Inventory Project:
The Cultural Inventory Project of the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records is a directory of over 600 archives, libraries, museums, genealogical societies and historical societies located in Arizona.

Repositories of Primary Sources:
Portal to archives in Western United States and Canada compiled by Terry Abraham, Head of Special Collections at the University of Idaho. The additional links connect to international and specialty archives. The most comprehensive list available. Frequently updated. See Terry Abraham’s page for numerous scholarly publications.

Society of American Archivists:
SAA is the professional organization for archivists. This site provides a wide range of resources for the practicing archivist as well as students. Includes publications, educational programs, specialized forums for discussion, and advocacy for archival issues.